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Don’t Expect Tennessee ABC Commissioner McDaniel to Stop Rockin’

Turnover among Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commissioners is inevitable.  Although the alcoholic beverage industry is relatively glamorous, as compared with morticians and auditors, for example, serving as a Commissioner is no walk in the park.  Believe it or not, we are a demanding group of constituents that often have vastly conflicting agendas.

It comes as no surprise that West Tennessee Commissioner Mary McDaniel announced her resignation at this month’s January 24, 2017 ABC meeting.  Commissioner McDaniel has served approximately six years.  And the verb “served” sums it up nicely.  Through wine in groceries, five legislative sessions and three ABC Directors.  Can someone toll the Bell for Commissioner McDaniel – well, maybe not…

In all seriousness, we thank Commissioner McDaniel for all she has done for the Tennessee alcoholic beverage industry.  Run DMC seems appropriate:

I’m the king of rock, there is none higher
Sucker MC’s should call me sire
To burn my kingdom, you must use fire
I won’t stop rockin’ till I retire

Commissioner McDaniel hasn’t let retirement slow her down.  The ABC is only one of many social endeavors blessed by Ms. McDaniel’s hard work.  Keep on rocking!

Original author: William T. Cheek III