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How to Expand Your Restaurant to Include Additional Exterior Space


Jul 31, 2020

During COVID-19, outdoor seating at restaurants is a popular option among diners. We have been working with several owners to expand their premises to include additional exterior space during the pandemic.

In order to legally serve beer, wine and spirits in added exterior space, you will need to file an amendment application with the Tennessee ABC and consult with your local beer board. In Nashville, the Metro Beer Board requires an application and payment of the $250 fee.

The ABC has a streamlined process for the expansion application. See details in the attached press release.

Governor Lee waived the $300 application fee for the expansion, by Executive Order 55.  The ABC does not require a separate application to remove the expansion space – at the end of the season or after the pandemic has concluded, whenever that might be.

We have also been working with clients interested in converting from a limited service restaurant license to a full-service restaurant license. Nashville is using the ABC license type to close bars. This allows your establishment to stay open during this and future COVID spikes.

We applaud Tennessee restaurant and bar owners as they continue to improvise and innovate during these difficult times.

The beerded lady reminds us of a timely tune, “Heroes” by David Bowie:

Though nothing will drive them away

We can beat them, just for one day

We can be heroes, just for one day