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Manager questionnaires: Did the dreaded pink slips get a ‘pink slip’?


Category: alcohol, ABC


It’s official: manager questionnaires are dead.

Well, not quite official, but according to reliable sources at the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission, there are no plans to resurrect the pink form or require liquor by the drink license holders to file manager questionnaires.

Seasoned restaurant, bar, venue and hotel owners are intimately familiar with the infamous pink form, required to be filed for each person supervising the sale and service of alcoholic beverages. With the ordinary churn of personnel in the industry, owners were frequently cited for hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, for failure to file manager questionnaires for new hires.

With the advent of RLPS, the ABC’s fancy on-line filing system, we have been anxiously awaiting news of the electronic successor to the dreaded pink paper form for manager questionnaires.

The wait is over, and we have good news.

The ABC has permanently scrapped the manager questionnaire concept. Because all managers –  at least in theory – hold server permits, managers have already disclosed disqualifying crimes and involvement in manufacturers and wholesalers. Instead of the pink form, or its electronic brethren, license holders must disclose the following for every manager:

first and last name
date of birth
copy of driver’s license

It’s that simple.

Does anyone hear Florida Georgia line singing:

It’s like one, two, three

Just as easy as can be

We encourage folks to go online soon and update their list of managers. Fields have been added to RLPS to make manager disclosures.

We suspect the ABC will allow a grace period for licenses to be updated with current manager information. At some point, however, failing to disclose a list of current managers is fair game for citations.

What are you waiting for? Log in and disclose those managers.

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