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New version of RLPS goes live in Tennessee



New version of RLPS goes live in Tennessee

Feb 3, 2020

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The Tennessee ABC unveiled its new version of the Regulatory Licensing and Permitting System, known as RLPS, on Monday, February 3.

ABC IT Director Chris Dowell explains:  “We put a lot of effort into improving our customers’ experience.”  For example, RLPS now shows what you can do on the site, as opposed to requiring users to first log in and then navigate menus.  Users can now select what they want to do from the icons on the home page.  

Assistant Director Tabatha Blackwell is “excited that RLPS is much easier for servers,” who files tens of thousands of applications.  Applying for a server permit is now the first icon among the services available in RLPS.  

Licensing professionals will be pleased to discover that finding and printing a license has been reduced from a few minutes to a few seconds.  Users no longer have to go into the file and navigate the relatively complex process to find and print licenses.  There is an icon on the home page: Print My License.

Licensing professionals will also be able to navigate quicker to renewals or pending applications by selecting the appropriate icon.

All this interface talk leaves us humming Shania Twain’s hit “She’s Not Just A Pretty Face.”

She’s Not Just a Pretty Face

She’s got everything it takes.

She’s mother of the human race

She’s not just a pretty face

RLPS is now optimized to be faster and more responsive to both licensing professionals and the ABC staff.  Back office functions – what the ABC uses to process your applications – are much faster, which should lead to faster processing for applications.

Among other improvements, the back office workflow is more visual.  The system is easier for Licensing/Permitting Specialists to tell when ABC inspections are scheduled, for example.

RLPS now includes a new payment portal for citations.  

Thanks to ABC Business Analyst Tamsyn Smith, who worked much of the weekend to make sure the new system was up and running Monday morning.