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Online Applications Going Live With the Tennessee ABC

The Tennessee ABC will be launching its new online system, RLPS, starting January 22, 2018.  Zack Blair, Assistant Director for the Tennessee ABC, lead an informative session for industry members yesterday, December 5, 2017, where ABC staff previewed the system and answered questions.

Assistant Director Blair tells us that “The Commission is excited to be able to revolutionize and create more efficiency in licensing.  We look forward to allowing customers to complete everything in an electronic form and provide them the ability to pay online.”

The new system, known as RLPS, becomes available on January 22, 2018 for users to:

·         preview

·         create accounts

·         enter information, but not submit applications.

Starting February 1, 2018, RLPS goes live.  At that point, all applications must be filed on RLPS.

This includes renewals.

The ABC will be in the process of scanning and uploading existing files into RLPS.  We expect this process to take some time.  In the meantime, applicants may want to upload PDFs of documents to be referenced in existing files.

RLPS is being implemented without any additional user fees.  We were pleased to learn that credit cards can be used without additional user fees, which we consider to be a hidden tax often assessed by regulatory agencies.  Kudos to the ABC for eliminating these charges.

RLPS eliminates the need for notaries on questionnaires, declarations and many other documents.  No authentication is required for information submitted in lieu of questionnaires and other documents.

TTB applicants will find RLPS familiar, as it is based on the same system.

The ABC is creating master files for licensees with multiple licenses, which we expect to be particularly helpful for large grocery stores filing WIGS renewals.

The cryptic lyrics to the 1969 hit song “In The Year 2525” come to mind:

In the year 2525, if man is still alive

If woman can survive, they may find

In the year 3535

Ain’t gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lie

Everything you think, do and say

Is in the pill you took today

Original author: William T. Cheek III