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Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage chairman Bryan Kaegi resigns


Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage chairman Bryan Kaegi resigns

Jan 8, 2018

ABC patch

Source: State of Tennessee

We bid farewell to Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Chairman and Commissioner Bryan Kaegi.

Commissioner Kaegi announced his resignation at the December 2017 ABC meeting. 

A replacement for the Middle District seat was not announced, but we expect Governor Bill Haslam to name one soon, probably before the January 2018 meeting. There are three ABC Commissioners, each appointed by the Governor. Richard Skiles is the West Tennessee Commission Member and John Jones is the East Tennessee Commission Member.

Commissioner Keagi logged over six years of service for the Tennessee ABC. We thank him for his leadership and time. He will be missed.

A B.B. King classic comes to mind – Paying the Cost to Be the Boss:

    You must be crazy woman

    Just gotta be outta your mind

    As long as I foot the bills

    I’m payin’ the cost to be the boss

Although Commissioner Kaegi was undoubtedly the boss, this was not his paying gig. ABC Commissioners are volunteers that receive a modest stipend to attend meetings. Which is cause to double our thanks.

Best wishes, Commissioner Kaegi.