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What’s On Your Wall?

By – May 19, 2017 | Alcoholic Beverage Law | Email Will Cheek

Restaurant and hospitality insiders call it the wall.  You know, the place where you have to publicly display your liquor license and other stuff the State of Tennessee issues.

Where hear it all to often from restaurant, bar and hotel owners: what signs do I have to post on the wall?

Here is what Tennessee state law requires you to publicly post:

ABC Liquor License
City or County Beer permit
Certificate of Registration
City Business License
County Business License
Certificate of Occupancy
Most recent Health Inspection Report
ABC pregnancy warning sign

If you want to prohibit licensed gun owners from packing heat at your watering hole, post the universal no gun sign at every public entrance and exit.

The 1971 political “Signs” by one hit wonder 5 Man Electrical Band rings in our ears:

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign
Blockin’ out the scenery, breakin’ my mind
Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the sign?

Many cities require that you post the fire occupancy or other fire marshal approval. Your local city may also require additional signs, and we encourage you to look around at what thy neighbor does.  If several  area restaurants post a sign that is not on your wall, you might ask whether you should add the sign to your collection.

Original author: William T. Cheek III